Handing on the tradition of martial arts from China
I am working on moving all my websites to a new host, due to webhost and website program issues. This will be the main site for the book sales. The other sites have home pages, and I'm gradually filling in the whole site. Thewushucentre.ca is up with a few of its basic pages so far. Thewushucentre too (formerly known as .com) is up and running, with the Beijing Team video series and a lot of photos. The MaGui Bagua site has a few basic pages. And I think perhaps zen lapin will keep a bit of a website. Thank you for your patience.
Zhang Wenguang's Chaquan Volume iII Representative Weapons of the Cha System is now published, and ready to buy - soft cover, hard cover, Ereader, and PDF editions.
Books on Baguazhang and Xingyiquan, translated by Andrea Falk. Original writings by Andrea Falk
Translations and Writings
Sales go through directly to the book printer, so best to contact them for print or delivery problems. That would be at support@lulu.com. Anything else, I would be happy to help. Just email admin@tglbooksca.com.